Mini Matcha Chocolate Ice Box Cake
Today’s cake is a gorgeous green tea-infused dessert that’s not only delicious but a breeze to make. From start to finish it takes less than 20 minutes to assemble and calls for only three ingredients — matcha powder, whipped cream, and Nabisco’s Famous Chocolate Wafers. The dessert is a riff of the famous chocolate refrigerator roll, also known as an icebox cake. It comes from i am a food blog’s Stephanie Le in Vancouver. The miniature cake is an example of what Le does best — taking an old favorite, adding her own spin with inviting ingredients, and capturing it all with beautiful, lush photos. It’s no wonder Saveur named her online recipe journal Best Blog of the Year in 2014.
Now, back to this perfect-for-summer, no-bake treat.
“If you’ve had ice-box cake, you know the dreamy texture of softened wafers, the way your fork slides through the layers with just the hint of resistance,” she writes. “Maybe you’ve even had chocolate and matcha together. They pair surprisingly well: matcha with its natural bittersweetness is a lovely foil to dark chocolate.”
For the matcha cream, Le whips cold cream into soft peaks and adds in green tea powder until it’s well mixed. Now to the fun part! She piles chocolate wafers high with whipped cream in layers. She slightly presses down on the cake and finishes icing the outside. It then chills overnight in the fridge where something amazing happens. The wafers rehydrate into a cake-like consistency from soaking up all the green tea cream. When it’s ready you have a cool, creamy, and sophisticated dessert that will easily be a summer favorite.
Matcha Chocolate
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